How To Apply For Solar Rooftop Subsidy In 2023 on National Portal
3 min read
If you're experiencing a outflow of cash due to high electricity bills, there's good news for you. To promote people in the country to install rooftop solar, the Indian government has introduced a simplified process for the installation of residential rooftop grid-connected solar power plants. Government of India is implementing a grid-connected rooftop solar project (Phase II).
Under this scheme the ministry is providing Rs.14588 per kW to individual household for first 3 kWs and for RTS capacity beyond 3 kW and upto 10 kW they provide Rs. 7294 per kW. For Resident Welfare Association/Group Housing Socity (RWA/GHS), the subsidy is Rs.7294 per kW for common facilities up to 500 kWp at 10 kWp..
To simplify the subsidy application process, MNRE has launched a National Portal Residents interested in installing a new on-grid rooftop solar power system should register through this portal. To install a solar power system in your home and take advantage of the subsidy benefits, follow the process below..
Process To Apply For Solar Rooftop Subsidy Scheme On National Portal
- Download the SANDES app and Search for the National Portal for Rooftop Solar option in the app.
- Select your respective state DISCOM and register on the National Portal.
- Enter your electrical connection number/consumer number, email ID, and mobile phone number from your invoice.
- Mobile number and email verification is done through OTP verification and email activation link.
- Now that you have completed your registration, you can proceed to apply to install a grid-connected solar rooftop system in your home.
- You will receive an application form pre-filled with the data you entered during registration.
- Then enter the following details in the application form: Name on Utility bill, Home address, Planned rooftop system capacity, Sanction load, Existing solar power plant capacity (if any).
- Now you have to upload a copy of your latest electricity bill.
- You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application from the (SDO). You can also log in to the portal to download it.
- The application will be transferred to the DISCOM for Site analysis.
- SDO will conduct a technical feasibility study within 3 business days of receipt of your application.
- Approval will be granted by SDO within 15 days of submission of the application. We recommend that you do not start the installation before it has been approved by DISCOM. DISCOM will notify you of approval or rejection by email.
- After receiving the approval of the feasibility study from DISCOM, you can proceed to install the grid-connected solar rooftop system.
- It is mandatory to choose an installer registered with the state DISCOM.
- Use a solar panel manufactured with domestically produced solar cells listed on ALMM. You must also use a BIS certified inverter.
- An agreement must be signed between the applicant and the installer. The agreement form can be downloaded from the National portal. The Installer must agree to service the solar power plant for at least 5 years..
- After the successful installation of the rooftop solar power system, please submit the “Work completion report” and “safety certificate” to receive net metering approval. Work completion report includes wattage, solar panel brand and number of solar panels, inverter wattage, vendor name, system photo, etc. Safety certificates are to be provided by the empaneled vendor.
- Also, the Net Meter device must be applied for and procured from a registered company. If Net Meter is not available in the Nigam Store, please purchase a Net-meter that conforms to the specifications published by Nigam.
- To successfully apply net metering, please follow DISCOM instructions regarding net metering rates and net metering agreements.
- Net metering requests are forwarded to DISCOM.
- After approval by DISCOM, the SDO team will install the net meters and connect the solar rooftop system to the power grid and commission the system.
- After successfully commissioning the system, DISCOM will issue a "Commissioning Certificate". You can download it from their website.
- Now the applicant can raise online subsidy/CFA claim request by providing applicant’s bank details along with legible copy of cancelled bank cheque or pass book, to allow the funding agency to transfer the subsidy directly to your bank account.
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Bescom has given me commissioning report.what is the link to claim subsidy from National portal
Agriculture accessories
I want to install solar on toproof on subsidy
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