MNRE Introduces DCR Compliance Verification Portal

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MNRE Introduces DCR Compliance Verification Portal

What are DCR Solar Panels?

When solar modules or panels need to meet the Domestic Content Requirement (DCR), it signifies that both the solar panels and the components used in their production must be manufactured in India.

The main goal of introducing the concept of DCR was to strengthen the domestic solar manufacturing industry against the influx of imports, especially from nations recognized for their large-scale, low-cost solar panel production.

DCR Compliance Verification Portal Launched

The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has launched an online portal with the primary objective of ensuring transparency and traceability in the manufacturing origins of solar photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules within India.

The portal also facilitates the verification of compliance with the Domestic Content Requirement for DCR solar panels used across the country. DCR mandates require that a certain percentage of solar cells and modules used in government-aided or mandated projects be manufactured domestically to promote local manufacturing and reduce dependency on imports.

Access & Functionality of the Portal

Developed in collaboration with solar panel manufacturers’ associations, the portal is hosted on the National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) website. This collaboration ensures that the portal meets industry standards and regulatory requirements for verifying DCR compliance. 

DCR solar panel verification portal

The portal can be accessed via the following link: It serves as the central platform where manufacturers listed in the Approved List of Models and Manufacturers (ALMM) must register their manufacturing facilities. They are required to input accurate and timely data related to their solar modules to demonstrate compliance with DCR regulations.

Accurate & Timely Data Entry Is Must

Accurate and timely data entry is crucial for manufacturers claiming DCR compliance through the portal. Failure to verify DCR compliance through this platform may result in specified actions by MNRE, highlighting the portal's role in ensuring regulatory adherence and transparency in the solar PV sector.

DCR Program and Mandates:

The DCR program aims to promote domestic manufacturing by mandating that only solar cells and modules manufactured within India can be used in projects auctioned under this category. This initiative supports local industries, fosters economic growth, and enhances energy security by reducing reliance on imports.

Relaxation in DCR Mandate:

There was a temporary relaxation in the DCR mandate for solar cells used in feeder-level solarization of agricultural pumps under Component C of the PM-KUSUM program until March 31, 2024. This exception likely aims to facilitate broader access to solar energy in rural agricultural settings while supporting local manufacturing initiatives.

Current Capacity and Future Projections:

As of December 2023, India had achieved a cumulative solar module manufacturing capacity of 64.5 GW and a solar cell manufacturing capacity of 5.8 GW, according to the State of Solar PV Manufacturing in India 2024 Report by Mercom India Research. 

The report forecasts significant growth, projecting module manufacturing capacity to exceed 150 GW and solar cell capacity to surpass 75 GW by 2026. These projections indicate India's ambitious plans to expand its domestic solar manufacturing capabilities to meet increasing energy demands sustainably.

Bluebird DCR Solar PV Modules

Bluebird Solar shines as a leading figure in the solar energy industry, passionately advocating for the Domestic Content Requirement (DCR) movement. With extensive expertise and a commitment to innovation, Bluebird Solar is not just manufacturing solar panels but also envisioning a sustainable future.

By significantly investing in research and development, quality control, and community outreach, Bluebird Solar ensures that each DCR solar panel exemplifies excellence and dedication. Bluebird DCR solar PV modules utilize 100% indigenous solar PV cells—made in India, made for India.

These modules are the ideal choice for subsidy projects under tenders that mandate solar PV modules made with Indian solar PV cells, such as those by PGVCL, RRECL, UPNEDA, TS-REDCO, JREDA, KSEB, REIL, BREDA, and others.

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